Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mayor Calls for a Moratorium on Home Foreclosures by the mortgage companies

Virg Bernero, Mayor of Lansing, Michigan Calls for a Moratorium on Home Foreclosures

"These mortgage companies, these mortgage folks got away with murder and a lot of these companies got bailed out. And they're still screwing the homeowners. So we need a moratorium. There's no question about it. ... we need a two-year moratorium, at least, on foreclosures. I would say, Ed, you know, homes under $200,000. Let's have a moratorium. Let's sort this out. Let's give some people some breathing space in this tough economy. Lord knows, you gave the breathing space to Wall Street." -- Virg Bernero, Mayor of Lansing, Michigan on 'The Ed Show,' Thursday, November 12th, 2009

virg bernero ed schultz show foreclosure moratorium wall street main financial crisis bailout